The holidays are rapidly approaching and are generally a time of family togetherness in which even our pets participate. It’s often easy to overlook that the decorations used to bring holiday cheer can pose potential threat to our pets.
A few things to keep in mind this holiday season:
RIBBONS & TINSEL can be of special interest to playful cats and kittens that see these objects as fun toys to chase, pounce upon, chew or swallow. While chasing and pouncing pose no health threats, chewing and swallowing do. String, ribbon and yarn cause “linear foreign bodies” can “catch” in the GI tract, leading to bunching of intestine as the body tries to eliminate the object. This is a life-threatening condition requiring surgery for correction.
ELECTRIC LIGHT CORDS are tempting to cats who like to play with string as well as to puppies interested in chewing. If a pet bites through an electrical cord, it could result in a severe burn to the tongue which causes the pet’s lung to fill with fluid leading to breathing difficulty. This is an emergency requiring immediate veterinary attention.
Everyone loves CHOCOLATE around the holidays! Many people do not realize that chocolate can be toxic to our four legged friends. Unsweetened baking chocolate carries a much greater risk compared to milk chocolate. However, even normal milk chocolate can be dangerous. Clinical signs of chocolate poisoning include hyperexcitability, nervousness, vomiting, diarrhea and can be a cause of death.
POINSETTIAS have been improperly labeled as toxic to our pets. Consuming this popular holiday plant can be irritating to the mouth and stomach of the dog or cat that chews on or eats it. Common signs of consumption include vomiting, inappetance and diarrhea.
MISTLETOES come in several different varieties make it difficult to predict the clinical signs of poisoning. Some mistletoes produce only stomach upset while others may lead to liver failure or seizures. Consider mistletoe to be a hazardous substance and keep it inaccessible to pets and children.
DIETARY INDISCRETION - We all like to include our pets in holiday meals along with the rest of the family, but try to keep in mind that sudden rich diet changes are likely to upset a pet’s stomach. Vomiting and diarrhea can occur commonly with a rapid diet change. If leftovers are of an especially fatty nature, the pancreas can become irritated leading to a serious condition.
These holiday hazards can be easily overlooked so please be careful how you deck your halls this holiday season!