Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Have a Super-Pet Safe Superbowl!!

The Throw! The Catch!  Touchdown!!  And the crowd goes WILD….

Does that sound like Super Bowl Sunday at your house?  Super Bowl parties can be lots of fun for human sports fans, but for four-legged family members all the cheering can seem a little scary.  Here are a few simple tips that can help make the day more comfortable and enjoyable for your pet:

·         “Bench” your furry friends.  Consider isolating your pet to a room giving them a “safe zone” of your home.  Mark the area with signs so that wandering guests don’t’ open the door and let your pet out.

·         If you put your pet in another room, don’t forget to check on them periodically.  Drop by with a few doggie treats to reward calm behavior and leave them with a safe toy.

     ·   If you can’t safely isolate your pet and you’re worried about all the excitement, ask a pet-friendly neighbor if you can temporarily house your pet in a quiet room at their house.  You may even consider boarding your pet.

        ·  If the weather is nice, an outdoor kennel or run is a good option
      ·   If your pets are allowed to “play the field” and mingle, don’t allow your guests to give them treats off their plates.  Beware of alcohol, chocolate, grapes, raisins and some types of nuts that can be toxic to pets.  Many human foods will make your pets sick if eaten.

Fins and Feathers!
If you have any non-furry pets in your household, don’t forget to take steps to safeguard them as well:
·         Tape closed the tops of any fish tanks

·         Make sure bird cages are kept shut to prevent them from becoming the center of attention at your party

Keep your pet on “The Home Team”

·         Having guests constantly going in and out of your house is a risk.  A pet could easily run through an open door.  Make sure your pet is wearing their collar and all applicable forms of ID.